Electrical Testing

Professional Structured Wiring and Cabling Installation

Structured wiring is essential for any modern business to be able to perform at the highest possible level. It can be the difference between winning a deal and losing it, being able to break into new territories, and reacting quickly and appropriately to ever-changing situations.

So, what is it, what does it do, and why is it an absolute must for your business?

What is structured wiring?

Once you know what structured wiring is, you’ll very quickly understand why it is a staple in every business wishing to stay ahead of the curve. Quite simply, structured wiring is the design and installation of all your communications infrastructure. That’s all of the wiring and subsystems that are responsible for your phone lines, your internet, and your LANs.

Let’s be clear; this isn’t like installing a phone line at home so you can get on the internet – this is on a much larger scale. Have you ever been in an office block and seen those metal cabinets with glass windows stuffed to the brim with miles of wiring?

That’s a data centre. These (often) air-conditioned rooms are dedicated purely to housing the computer systems, telecommunications systems, and storage capabilities that will run your office communications. When it’s installed properly it can take your business to the next level – when it’s installed poorly, then it can be one of the biggest headaches your business may ever have to cope with.

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structured cabling installation

What does it do?

The installation of structured wiring has to be done to a very strict set of standards as there are many different types of cabling and wiring that are used to perform different tasks. 

This can include everything from fibre optic cabling to modular connectors. Remember that, depending upon the size of the office, this wiring may have to stretch across several different floors and levels and potentially connect hundreds of desks.

It has to integrate and perform seamlessly so that the business can run smoothly and efficiently, so it’s a complex installation. We’ve all experienced the internet going down and wondering what on earth to do next – imagine that happening on a regular basis. It could cripple your business.

commercial security systems

Installation considerations

Each building is unique in its layout, so every structured cabling design and installation is bespoke. We have to consider:

  • The architectural layout of the building; this plays a big part in determining how the cabling will need to be installed,
  • Which cable products will be required,
  • What function they will perform,
  • What systems will need to be supported by the installation and how can the wiring be futureproofed for upgraded equipment in the future,
  • Whether the current structured wiring system will need to be removed or if it can be modified,
  • Customer requirements; what does the customer actually need the installation to do? We take the time to find out exactly what your communications needs are and plan accordingly. 

What are the benefits of structured wiring?

The benefits of a structured cabling system are many, including:

Downtime is kept to a bare minimum

If there is a problem with your communications network, a structured cabling system allows the problem to be located and rectified quickly because the cabling is laid out logically and it’s easy to access. This vastly reduces the risk of downtime and knock-on associated costs to your business.

Ease of use

Offices tend to have lots of different IT equipment and electronic devices all being used at the same time. Having them all running on one system eradicates the need for multiple cabling infrastructures.

It actually saves you money

In addition to saving money on running and maintenance costs, the simplicity of its layout means that the system will be able to cope with the demands placed on it far easier than an unstructured system. This boosts productivity and eliminates the costs associated with a system that is constantly crashing.


The beauty of a structured wiring system is that it can easily adapt to any changes that need to be made? Need to upgrade, reroute the wiring due to a change in office layout, or add additional wiring? No problem! Once the infrastructure is in place it’s so easy to make these sorts of changes, keeping disruption to office life and productivity to an absolute minimum.

It’s futureproofed

The whole point of having structured cabling systems is to provide you with reliable, speedy bandwidth to keep your business up-to-date and able to deliver the service that your clients and customers expect. A structured wiring system provides you with an IT solution that can adapt to changes quickly and can be updated with the minimum amount of fuss, keeping your business at the forefront of technology and operating at maximum efficiency.

Any Questions?

If you have any questions about the complexities of a structured wiring install for your business, get in touch for a free quote. We are NIC approved contractors with over 50-years of experience professionally installing communication systems, so give us a call and less us help you to futureproof your business.

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