renewable energy services

Renewable Energy Solutions for Homes and Businesses

As renewable energy improves in both accessibility and efficiency, more and more people are deciding to make the switch. Make sure that you have solar panels you can rely on to power your home or business in the ways you need them to. At BES, you can trust that our expert electricians will safely install your efficient solar panels in the most convenient time and place for you.

Solar systems that serve your commercial needs

As the world changes, so do customer expectations. Never has it been more important for businesses to keep up with advances in renewable energy, and running a clean company can do wonders for both you and the environment. With commercial solar panel installation with us at Bolton Electrical Services, you can trust that your business will have enough energy to keep it running, even through the darker months.

Whether you need to bring power to your building, or you are looking for a clean source of electricity for electric vehicle charging, BES offer efficient and reliable installation which won’t grind your business to a halt. Working when convenient for you and cleaning up as we go, BES wants to help you and your business make the most out of solar energy, helping us all take a step towards a cleaner world.

Want to find out more about how solar installation might work for you and your business?

Contact us now for a quote
commercial renewable energy

Powering your home with solar energy

Powering your home with solar energy is becoming more popular. With the rising cost of fuel, cutting down reliance on the national grid can save you a lot of money in the long run. It’s no surprise that people are deciding to make the switch. 

At BES, we understand that having solar panels installed onto your roof can feel inconvenient. That’s why we make sure to clean up after ourselves, and complete our work in a timely manner. With us, you can trust that you will be making the most out of your new solar system, powering your home with clean energy whilst never sacrificing on efficiency. 

Think your home could do with solar panels?

Reach out to us now